It's already almost the end of March! Can you believe it? Each week the Mamas write about their experiences and what they learned. See what Robyn, Lisa, and Liz learned about this week and add in your things you learned or found awesome in the comments!
Robyn: I've learned that having a psychologist as a friend is a good thing when you start seeing a clinical psychologist. Let me clarify. Mama Liz has her doctorate. I don't look to her to solve any of my problems, or help me cope. She is, however, a great listener for when I need an ear. As I told her how the first appointment went, and what the plan was, she said 'I like him'. Score! I'm getting advice from someone good who knows their stuff. Sweet, Thanks Liz!
Gluten free isn't all that bad. My stomach has been whack for years. I would have doubling over stomach pains as a teenager, and even had gotten seen by a gastroenterologist. He claimed sugar was the problem. However, I gave up gluten on Monday this week. Within 2 days, I felt so much better. And I even lost a pound! Double score!
Lastly, I've learned that apple cider (the beer kind, not the holiday treat) is pretty damn good. After the kids went to bed, dad and I decided to celebrate and be festive with green ones. Be warned though, they have 200 calories a pop!
1. I went out to meet a couple of girlfriends, who happen to be mamas of 'ausome' kids. We've been friends for a while now, since all our kids were diagnosed at the same time. It was so refreshing to be out, speak with adults, and talk about your reality without being judged. It really energized me!! Me time needs to happen more often.
2. It was 69 degrees and sunny, so naturally, I let the kids go wild and play in the backyard. They stayed out all day with breaks for food and potty only. It is heavenly! They're tired in a good way, got some sun, and got any extra energy out. Win-win!! Bad thing: snow on Monday.
3. My kids FaceTimed with their cousins in Milwaukee. It was so nice to catch up like that with the kids, my sister-in-law and her hubby too. We haven't been able to travel to see them, so it was awesome. Also, the cuteness was too much!! Fun times!
1) I learned that my almost 4-year-old really can't be trusted to "act well" on his own accord. When I was "taking a nap" with Silas he didn't sleep (although apparently I did) and he got up and got into my makeup. The brand new Sephora/Bare Minerals makeup I bought last week? Messed up. He stuck his finger in the foundation stick and almost emptied the loose powder all over the floor (and covered it up with a towel). Then the next night he snuck out of his room while he was supposed to be sleeping and grabbed two of my lipsticks off my bed side table - the next morning I found lipstick all over his quilt. It's time for a lockable makeup box apparently.
2) My laptop has been acting funky for a while now - whenever it "fell asleep" I couldn't get it to wake back up and had to restart it. I was getting really frustrated and was researching new laptops and looking into places to get a Mac fixed. While I was searching for places to bring my Mac I also looked up the "symptoms" and found that all the problems it was having were symptoms of problems with the SMC (system management control). I searched on that and found an easy way to fix that myself. I followed the instructions and it worked! I haven't had to do a hard reset on my computer since I fixed it. I'm hoping things stay that way because I really don't want to get a new laptop or take mine in to be fixed.
3) Last week during my Spring Break I started watching Scandal, a show that everyone has always told me I would like. Well, it has this addictive quality to it, almost so much that, like, I wanted my kids to go outside so I could put it on (because I don't think it's appropriate to watch while they're around). Mike was all eye rolley and making fun of me for getting sucked into a night time soap opera. He'd even ask me, "Did you watch your soap opera today?" One night I asked if he wanted to sit down and watch an episode with me, and he agreed. Now we watch one episode on Netflix of "my soap opera" together after the boys have gone to bed. We're almost finished with Season 2 which means I'll have to find Season 3 somewhere (Hulu Plus?) so that by the time Season 4 starts we will be up to date and be able to watch with everyone else on #ScandalThursdays. I have to say I love that many of the actors live tweet during the East Coast premier of a new show.
Now you! What did you learn? Comment below and let us know.